We offer free returns on orders within Sweden. For international orders, the buyer is responsible for the return cost.
We always offer a 14-day right of return. If you are not satisfied with your purchase, you can return the item and choose to exchange it for another product. Please ensure the item is returned in substantially unchanged condition. For returns of shoes, the shoebox must be undamaged and properly packaged – do not affix shipping labels directly on the box. If you are outside the European Union be sure to mark the package "Goods in Return" and declare the value of the goods to 0 (zero)
If you wish to return your item, please do so within 14 days from when you received it. The right of withdrawal applies as long as the item is returned in an unchanged condition. Refunds are generally processed immediately, but no later than 30 days after we receive the return. If you are outside the European Union be sure to mark the package "Goods in Return" and declare the value of the goods to 0 (zero)
For approved returns, we will refund the price of the product. If paid by card, the refund will be issued to the same card, and for other payment methods, the refund will be made via the same method used for purchase.
Lester AB
Vallgatan 14
41116 Gothenburg
Failing to collect a shipment will not be considered a return, and an administrative fee of 300 SEK will be charged.